The information on this page is specific to the institutions and facilities taking part in the 2024-2025 CIPSSE pilot administration. Please contact us with any questions.
The first step in the process is for Pilot Participants to complete our registration form.
To view what we will need to complete our registration form, see the PDF of the registration form
The following are important links in the form to review ahead of time:
Registration Form
Obtaining Permissions
To participate in a CIPSSE administration, CIPSSE staff need the completed registration form and two signed permission form documents. CIPSSE staff will use the information provided in the registration to create the permission form. You can view the permission form template here.
We need two copies of this form, one signed by an official from the prison facility and one signed by the Department of Correction(s).
After receiving the completed registration and two signed permission forms. We will send a box of survey questionnaires and consent statements as well as at least one informational packet for people who will be administering the survey to students.
Informational packets for administrators will include the following:
- Administration Instructions
- Template for Student Recruitment for CIPSSE
- A copy of the Informed Consent
- A pre-paid return shipping label
Frequently Asked Questions
Do participating institutions need to get their own IRB approval?
It depends! Every institution has different rules and guidelines for when IRB approval is needed. CIPSSE staff do not need or require individual CIP programs to obtain IRB approval, but it would be best to check with your IRB to see what is required for you.
What if I have feedback about the CIPSSE questionnaire or administration procedures?
Please let us know! A large part of participating in the pilot is helping us learn about how we can refine this process for the future. Send any feedback about any part of the CIPSSE program to